We invite you to Mozaika Restaurant for a unique Easter breakfast!

Come to Mozaika Restaurant for a unique Easter breakfast! Take a break from the prep and let yourself relax in the elegant and cosy interiors of our restaurant. 🐰🥚

Date: 31st March (Sunday) and 1st April (Monday)

Hours: 6:30-13:00

Price: 110 PLN per adult, 60 PLN per children aged 4-12.

We provide delicious, traditional buffet meals that are sure to make this special time more enjoyable. The number of places limited, so be sure to book early.

We invite you to make reservations at: +48 22 102 71 62 or by e-mail: mozaika@unique-hotels.pl.

See you at Mozaica! 🌿🥚